Ernst Heinrich Weber
* Wittenberg, 24/06/1795, + Leipzig, 26/01/1878
1815 Dissertaion after medical studies in Wittenberg.
1817 Habilitation in Leipzig.
1818 Extraordinarius for comparative anatomy in Leipzig.
1821 Ordinarius of Anatomy in Leipzig.
1825 Publication of the results of the investigations he had carried out together with his brother, the physicist Wilhelm Weber, in the field of wave mechanics.
1840 Ordinarius or Anatomy and Physiogonomy in Leipzig.
1846 Co-founder of the Königlich Sächsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Royal Saxonian Society of Sciences Leipzig).
1850 Publication of the fundamental work “Über die Anwendung der Wellenlehre auf die Lehre vom Kreislaufe des Blutes und insbesondere auf die Pulslehre” (On the application of wave mechanics to the circulation of the blood and in particular to the pulse) in the reports on the meetings of the Royal Saxonian Society of Sciences Leipzig.
1860 Start of collaboration with Gustav Theodor Fechner. Both are considered the founders of Physiophysics.
1866 Retreat from the office of Ordinarius of Physiology
1871 Retreat from the office of Ordinarius of Anatomy
Wilhelm Eduard Weber
* Wittenberg, 24.10.1804, + Göttingen, 23.06.1891
1822 Begins to study Physics in Halle.
1825 Still a Student, he publishes “Wellenlehre auf Experimenten begründet” (Wave Theory based on Experiments) together with his brother Ernst Heinrich Weber.
1828 Professor in Halle.
1831 Ordinarius of Physics at the University of Göttingen.
1837 Dismissal for protesting against the annulment of the Constitution by the King in Hannover (The Seven of Göttingen).
1842 Professor of Physics in Leipzig as successor of Gustav Theodor Fechners.
1849 Return to Göttingen.
1867 Publication of his work “Theory of Waves Travelling Through Water or Other Incompressible Liquids in Elastic Tubes” at the instigation of his brother Ernst Heinrich Weber.
Gustav Theodor Fechner
* Großsärchen, 19.04.1801, + Leipzig, 18.11.1887
1817 Begins to study in Leipzig (Medicine, later also Philosophy and Mathematics), after graduating from the renowned grammar school Kreuzschule in Dresden.
1823 Habilitation in Leipzig.
1834 Ordinarius of Physics in Leipzig.
1841 Retirement for health reasons.
1846 Lectures in Philosophy after reconstitution of his health.
1860 Begins to cooperate with E.H. Weber in the field of Psychophysics, which field of research was initiated by the them. The method of scientifically analysing psychological proceedings, which had been initiated by E.H. Weber and finally established by W. Wundt by Setting up a laboratory for experimental psychology, was exemplary and contributed largely to the development of Medical Physics and Biophysics.
1887 Publication of the summarizing work “Über die psychischen Maaßprinzipien und das Webersche Gesetz”.
Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
* Neckarau, 16.08.1832, + Großbothen, 31.08.1920
1858 After studying Medicine and Natural Sciences and after habilitation, assistant of v. Helmholtz in Heidelberg. During this time, intensive studies of Philosophy and Psychology.
1862 Publication of the landmark article “Beiträge zu einer Theorie der Sinneswahrnehmung” (Contributions on a Theory of Sensual Perception).
1864 Extraordinarius in Heidelberg for Medical Psychology and Antroposophy.
1874 Vocation to Zurich (Inductive Philosophy).
1875 Professor für Philosophy in Leipzig with the inaugural address “On the Influence of Philosophy on Natural Sciences”.
1879 Development of the Institute for Experimental Psychology in Leipzig, which became exemplary for interdisciplinary scientific research, even beyond the field of psychology. Wundt himself considers E.H. Weber the Father of Experimental Psychology, and G.Th. Fechner the Creator of Psychophysics.
Carl Friedrich Ludwig
* Witzenhausen upon Werra, 29.12.1816, + Leipzig, 23.04.1895
1834 A Levels in Hanau, starts studying Medicine in Marburg.
1836 Relegation for political reasons; continues to study Medicine in Erlangen, later in Bamberg, then returns to Marburg.
1840 Doctor’s degree in Marburg, one year later Deputy Rector at the Marburg Institute of Anatomy.
1842 Habilitation, publication of the filtration theory of urine preparation.
1843 Starts basic experimental work on blood pressure theory and on the methods of blood pressure measurment.
1846 Invention of the kymograph.
1849 Call to the office of Ordinarius for Anatomy and Physiology in Zurich.
1855 Call to the Military Mecical Academy in Vienna, continues his examinations on diffusion and his research of nervous blood regulation.
1865 Call to the newly founded Department for Physiology in Leipzig; continues his landmark physiolgical work together with renowned pupils; promotion of the work of Otto Fischer in the field of medical physics.
Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp Pfeffer
* Grebenstein, 09.03.1845, + Leipzig, 31.01.1920
1860 Terminates school.
1863 Final Exam as Pharmaceutical Assistant.
1865 Dissertation in Chemistry.
1868 Pharmaceutical State Exam in Marburg.
1871 Habilitation in Marburg on the subject “Die Wirkung farbigen Lichtes auf die Zersetzung der Kohlensäure in Pflanzen” (The Effect of Coloured Light on the Decomposition of Carbon Dioxide in Plants).
1873 Professor at the University of Bonn.
1877 Professor at the University of Basel.
1878 Professor for Botany at the University of Tübingen.
1887 Professor for Botany at the University of Leipzig; continues Basic examinations on osmosis and on the function of protoplasts, particularly of cell membranes. The significance of cell membranes as a complex functional Systems, which was generally recognized only decades later, had been discovered by him very early.
Otto Fischer
* Altenburg, 26.04.1861, + Leipzig, 22.12.1916
1879 Studies of Mathematics and Physics in Jena, München and Leipzig after graduation from School in Halle.
1885 Dissertation with Felix Klein in Leipzig; through Felix Klein’s Mediation, cooperation with the anatomist Wilhelm Braune, which resulted in numerous works on the biomechanics of joints and muscles.
1887 Teacher of Mathematics and Physics at the Public School of Trade in Leipzig.
1892 After the death of Wilhelm Braune, his work in the field of Medical Physics were supported by the physiologist Carl Ludwig.
1893 Habilitation in “Physiological Physics” at the Philosophical Faculty in Leipzig, subsequently elected extraordinary member of the Royal Saxonian Society of Sciences in Leipzig, where a large number of his work is published.
1895 Head Teacher at the Petri Grammar School in Leipzig. For all his life, he know how to productively harmonize his work as a school teacher with his scientific work at the Mecical Faculty of the University of Leipzig .
1896 After only three years of teaching biomechanical and methematical subjects at the the Medical Faculty in Leipzig call as extraordinary Professor of Medicine, despite the fact that he was no Doctore of Medicine himself, which was at that time unique in the history of the Medical Faculty.
1904 In recognition of his merits in the field of Medical Physics, elected ordinary member of the Royal Saxonian Society of Sciences in Leipzig.
1912 Director of the Petri Grammar School in Leipzig.