Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics Staff Brunner, Cornelia SecretaryRoom 149Phone 97-15700Email Institute Director Prof. Dr. Daniel Huster R 148Phone +49 341 97-15701Email Alia Matysik, Alia, Prof. Dr. Research AssociateRoom 351.1Phone 97-15707Email Bashirova, Narmin Doctoral studentGuest scientistEmail Döbel, Viola Lab TechnicianRoom 102Phone 97-15723Email Engbert, Oskar, Dr. rer. nat. PostDocRoom 132Phone 97-15740Email Engel, Kathrin, Dr. rer. nat. Research AssociateRoom 104Phone 97-15708Email Ferenc, Rok Doctoral studentRoom 136Phone 97-15744Email Estrela-Lopis, Irina, Dr. rer. nat. Research AssociateRoom 252Phone 97-15702Email Geraili Daronkola, Hosein PostDocRoom 254Phone 97-15760Email Lautenschläger, Susann Lab TechnicianRoom 134Phone 97-15742Email Gozzi, Marta, Dr. rer. nat. PostDocRoom 102Phone 97-15723Email Hildebrand, Peter Werner, Prof. Dr. ProfessorRoom 251Phone 97-15712Email Keller, Mario EngineerRoom 137Phone 97-15706Email Leopold, Jenny, Dr. rer. nat. PostDocKoordinatorin Graduiertenschule SFB 1423Room 103Phone 97-15722Email Pankonin, Maik Doctoral studentRoom 155Phone 97-15776Email Pfeiffer, Luisa Doctoral StudentRoom 351Phone 97-15769Email Prabutzki, Patricia Doctoral studentRoom 103Phone 97-15722Email Reibetanz, Uta, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Research AssociateRoom 253Phone 97-15703Email Riemer, Thomas, Dr. rer. nat. Research AssociateRoom 350Phone 97-15768Email Salomon, MaximilianDoctoral student – guest scientistRoom 151Phone 97-15776Email Scheidt, Holger, Dr. rer. nat. habil.Research AssociateRoom 131Phone 97-15726Email Schubarth, Johanna Doctoral studentRoom 104Phone 97-15708Email Scherf, Merle Doctoral studentRoom 250Phone 97-15725Email Schiller, Jürgen, PD Dr. rer. nat. Research AssociateRoom 152.1Phone 97-15733Email Schiller, Laura, Dr. rer. nat. Research AssociateGuest scientistEmail Schlögl, Jessika Secretary of Prof. HildebrandRoom 255.1Phone 97-15780Email Seufert, Florian Doctoral studentRoom 155Phone 97-15776Email Smith-Penzel, Albert A., PhD Research AssociateRoom 133Phone 97-15773Email Venus, Tom Doctoral studentRoom 253.1Phone 97-15737Email Vissiennon, Cica, PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Research Associate/Repha PharmaRoom 354Phone 97-15772Email Vogel, Alexander, Dr. rer. nat. Research Associate, Technical AssistantRoom 255.1Phone 97-16634Email Voitel, Matthias Doctoral studentGuest scientistEmail Wehner, Isabel Doctoral studentRoom 135Phone 97-15743Email Werner, Julia Doctoral studentRoom 351Phone 97-15769Email Zumpfe, Kai Doctoral studentRoom 133Phone 97-15773Email