Prof. Dr. Jürgen Arnhold
Affiliation and official address:
Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics
University of Leipzig
Haertelstr. 16-18
D-04107 Leipzig

Curriculum Vitae
SURNAME: Arnhold
Date and place of birth: 1951/05/29 Leipzig, Germany
Nationality: German
1969-1974: Biology and biophysics, Moscow State University, Russia, Diploma
1982: Ph. D.
1997: Habilitation
2003: Associate Professor
1974-2016: Assistant at the University of Leipzig, Germany
1997: Qualification in teaching biology, physiology and biophysics
since 2017: Visiting senior scientist at the University of Leipzig, Germany
Current scientific interests:
Biochemical and redox properties of haem proteins
Involvement of haem proteins in pathobiochemistry and pathophysiology
Biological oxidation of halides and thiocyanate
Health-promoting effects of chlorite
Generation of reactive oxygen species by immune cells
Publications: about 220
1. Ritov, V.B., Kagan, V.E., Chafizov, R.C., Archipenko, J.A., Arnhold, J., Kozlov, J.P.,
Nadirov, N.K.:
Vitamin E als Lipidantioxidant in Membranen des endoplasmatischen Retikulums von
Muskelfasern und Leberzellen (russ.).
In: Physikalisch-chemische Grundlagen der Funktion übermolekularer Zellstrukturen.
Materialien des Allunionssymposiums, Moskau 17-19.Juni, Teil 2, Moskau (1974) 75-78.
2. Beier, W., Arnhold, J.:
Über eine Beziehung zwischen mittlerer Herzfrequenz und Lebensdauer einiger
Z. Alternsforsch. 30 (1975) 45-47.
3. Arnhold, J.:
Die Entstehung von Lipofuszin.
Z. Alternsforsch. 34 (1979) 179-182.
4. Arnhold, J.:
Alterspigment: Schneller altern durch zuviel ungesättigte Fettsäuren.
Medical Tribune 15 (1980) 45, 19.
5. Arnhold, J.:
Über fluoreszierende Produkte der Peroxidation ungesättigter Fettsäuren im Blutserum
des Menschen und ihre Beziehung zu den Lipopigmenten.
Dissertation zur Promotion A, Leipzig, 1980.
6. Arnhold, J.:
Die Bedeutung der Lipopigmente.
In: W.Beier u.a. (Herausg.) Prozesse des Alterns, Berlin,
Akademie-Verlag (1983) 276-295.
7. Arnhold, J., Deev, A.I.:
A simple procedure for preparation of REV-liposomes.
Pharmazie 40 (1985) 808-809.
8. Arnhold J., Herold, W., Arnold, K., Deev, A.I.:
Reduction of amino groups and changes of the surface charge of liposomes on
methylation and peroxidation.
Studia biophys. 128 (1988) 45-50.
9. Arnhold, J., Möps, A., Krumbiegel, M., Arnold, K.:
A comparative study of the main phase transition in phospholipid liposomes by
fluorescence quenching and differential scanning calorimetry.
Studia biophys. 133 (1989) 101-108.
10. Arnhold, J.:
Die Lipopigmente und ihre Beziehung zum Alternsprozeß.
In: W.Beier u.a. (Herausg.) Prozesse des Alterns, Berlin, Akademie-Verlag (1989) 205-219.
11. Deev, A.I., Dobretsov, G.E., Arnhold, J., Vladimirov, J.A.:
Verminderung der Oberfläche von Phospholipidmembranen bei Lipidperoxidation (russ.).
Biol. Membr. 6 (1989) 1227-1231.
12. Arnold, K., Arnhold, J., Zschörnig, O., Wiegel, D., Krumbiegel, M.:
Characterization of chemical modifications of surface properties of low density
Biomed. Biochim. Acta 48 (1989) 735-742.
13. Arnhold, J., Hammerschmidt, S., Wagner, M., Mueller, S., Arnold, K., Grimm, E.:
On the action of hypochlorite on human serum albumin.
Biomed. Biochim. Acta 49 (1990) 991-997.
14. Wiegel, D., Richter, O., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.:
Partition of serum lipoproteins in a polyethylene glycol/dextran two-phase system.
Biomed. Biochim. Acta 50 (1991) 207-212.
15. Arnhold, J., Mueller, S., Arnold, K., Grimm, E.:
Chemiluminescence intensities and spectra of luminol oxidation by sodium hypochlorite in the presence of hydrogen peroxide.
J. Biolumin. Chemilumin. 6 (1991) 189-192.
16. Arnhold, J., Hammerschmidt, S., Arnold, K.:
Role of functional groups of human plasma and luminol in scavenging of NaOCl and
neutrophil-derived hypochlorous acid.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1097 (1991) 145-151.
17. Zschörnig, O., Machill, H., Wiegel, D., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.:
Aggregation of human plasma high density lipoproteins induced by poly (ethylene
Biomed. Biochim. Acta 50 (1991) 959-966.
18. Arnhold, J., Wiegel, D., Richter, O., Hammerschmidt, S., Arnold, K., Krumbiegel, M.:
Modification of low density lipoproteins by sodium hypochlorite.
Biomed. Biochim. Acta 50 (1991) 967-973.
19. Yakutova, E.S., Kostenko, O.V., Osipov, A.N., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K., Vladimirov, J.A.:
Interaction of hypochlorite with oxyhemoglobin releases free catalytically active iron
Biofizika 37 (1992) 1021-1028.
20. Koksch, M., Rühlmann, C., Arnhold, J., Wiegel, D.:
In-vitro-Effekte von niedermolekularem Dextran auf die Oberflächeneigenschaften von LDL.
Z. gesamte Inn. Med. 47 (1992) 535-537.
21. Yakutova, E.Sh., Osipov, A.N., Kostenko, O.V., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K., Vladimirov,
Interaction of hypochlorite with oxyhaemoglobin releases catalytically active iron.
Biophysics 37 (1992) 919-926.
22. Arnhold, J., Mueller, S., Arnold, K., Sonntag, K.:
Mechanisms of inhibition of chemiluminescence in the oxidation of luminol by sodium hypochlorite.
J. Biolumin. Chemilumin. 8 (1993) 307-313.
23. Mueller, S., Arnhold, J.:
Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Wasserstoffperoxid.
Patent DE 43 12 097 A 1 (P4312097.0), Anmeldung 08.04.1993.
24. Arnhold, J., Sonntag, K., Sauer, H., Häntzschel, H., Arnold, K.:
Increased native chemiluminescence in granulocytes isolated from synovial fluid and
peripheral blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
J. Biolumin. Chemilumin. 9 (1994) 79-86.
25. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Gründer, W., Arnold, K.:
The action of hypochlorous acid on polymeric components of cartilage.
Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 375 (1994) 167-172.
26. Arnhold, J., Wiegel, D., Hußler, O., Arnold, K.:
Quenching and dequenching of octadecyl rhodamine B chloride fluorescence in Ca2+-
induced fusion of phosphatidylserine vesicles. Effects of poly-(ethylene glycol).
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1191 (1994) 375-383.
27. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Schiller, J., Arnold, K., Sergienko, V.I.:
Peroxidation of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine liposomes by hypochlorous acid.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1215 (1994) 259-266.
28. Sonntag, K., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.:
Influence of myeloperoxidase on the generation of native chemiluminescence.
In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. Fundamentals and Applied Aspects.
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and
Chemiluminescence, Cambridge, September 1994.
ed. by Campbell, A.K., Kricka, L.J., Stanley, P.E.
John Wiley & Sons, Chicester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore. 1994, 187-190.
29. Mueller, S., Arnhold, J.:
Detection of hydrogen peroxide in stimulated neutrophils using luminol and hypochlorite.
In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. Fundamentals and Applied Aspects.
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and
Chemiluminescence, Cambridge, September 1994.
ed. by Campbell, A.K., Kricka, L.J., Stanley, P.E.
John Wiley & Sons, Chicester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore. 1994, 242-245.
30. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J.:
Peroxidation of human blood lipoproteins and phosphatidylcholine liposomes induced
by hypochlorous acid.
In: Advances in Lipoprotein and Atherosclerosis Research, Diagnostics and Treatment.
Proceedings of the 8th International Dresden Lipid Symposium held at Dresden, June 10-12, 1994.
ed. by W.Jaross, M.Hanefeld, S.Bergmann, H.Dude
Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, Stuttgart, New York, 1995, 70-73.
31. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K., Sergienko, V.I., Vladimirov, Yu.A.:
Chelators of iron ions: desferoxamine and EDTA inhibit peroxidation of
phosphatidylcholine liposomes induced by hypochlorite scavenging HOCl/OCl- (russ.).
Biol. Membr. 12 (1995) 294-302.
Membr. Cell Biol. 9 (1995) 299-308.
32. Mueller, S., Arnhold, J.:
Fast and sensitive chemiluminescence determination of the H2O2 concentration in
stimulated human neutrophils.
J. Biolumin. Chemilumin. 10 (1995) 229-237.
33. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.:
NMR studies of the action of hypochlorous acid on native pig articular cartilage.
Eur. J. Biochem. 233 (1995) 672-676.
34. Arnhold, J., Panasenko, O.M., Schiller ,J., Vladimirov, Yu.A., Arnold, K.:
The action of hypochlorous acid on phosphatidylcholine liposomes in dependence on the content of double bonds. Stoichiometry and NMR analysis.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 78 (1995) 55-64.
35. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.:
Action of hypochlorous acid on polymeric components of cartilage. Use of 13C NMR
Z. Naturforsch. 50c (1995) 721-728.
36. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Gründer, W., Wagner, M., Werner, A., Arnold, K.:
Vergleich der Wirksamkeit von Natriumazid und Merthiolat als Bakterizide – eine NMR-Studie.
Biomed. Techn. 40 (1995) 250-254.
37. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Vladimirov, Yu.A., Sergienko, V.I.:
Interaction of hypochlorite with hydroperoxides and other oxidation products of
phosphatidylcholine liposomes (russ.).
Biochimica 60 (1995) 1079-1085.
38. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Vladimirov, Yu.A., Arnold, K., Sergienko, V.I.:
The application of chemiluminescence for stuying the kinetics of interaction of
hypochlorite with phosphatidylcholine liposomes (russ.).
Biofizika 40 (1995) 1234-1242.
39. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J.:
Mechanisms of hypochlorite-induced peroxidation in phospholipid liposomes (russ.).
Biol. Membr. 13 (1996) 89-99.
Membr. Cell Biol. 10 (1996) 93-104.
40. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Sonntag, K., Arnold, K.:
NMR studies on human, pathologically changed synovial fluids: Role of hypochlorous
Magn. Reson. Med. 35 (1996) 848-853.
41. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K., Sergienko, V.I., Vladimirov, Yu.A.:
Hypochlorite-induced peroxidation of phospholipid liposomes. A comparison with
peroxidation in the Fe2+/ascorbate system (russ.).
Biofizika 41 (1996) 334-341.
42. Arnhold, J., Panasenko, O.M., Schiller, J., Arnold, K., Vladimirov, Yu.A., Sergienko,
Reaction of hypochlorous acid with hydrogen peroxide and tert-butyl hydroperoxide. 1H-NMR spectroscopy and chemiluminescence analyses.
Z. Naturforsch. 51c (1996) 386-394.
43. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Sergienko, V.I., Arnold, K., Vladimirov, Yu. A.:
Stoichiometry of hypochlorite interaction with unsaturated bonds of phosphatidylcholine and free fatty acids in liposomes (russ.).
Biol. Membr. 13 (1996) 271-281.
Membr. Cell Biol. 10 (1996) 291-302.
44. Seifert, T., Zschörnig, O., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.:
Beta-blockers inhibit the modification of low-density lipoproteins by sodium hypochlorite in vitro.
Chem. Phys. Lipids, 85 (1997) 13-21.
45. Arnhold, J.:
Hypochlorsäure als Produkt stimulierter neutrophiler Granulozyten. Reaktionen und Rolle bei der Pathogenese entzündlicher Erkrankungen.
Habilitationsschrift. Leipzig. 1997.
46. Arnhold, J., Sonntag, K., Schiller, J., Arnold, K.:
Native chemiluminescence of neutrophils from synovial fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. Molecular Reporting with Photons.
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and
Chemiluminescence, Woods Hole, September 1996.
John Wiley & Sons, Chicester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore. 1997, 303-306.
47. Arnhold, J., Schiller, J., Arnold, K.:
Interaction of carbohydrates with hypochlorous acid and hydroxyl radicals.
In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. Molecular Reporting with Photons.
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and
Chemiluminescence, Woods Hole, September 1996.
John Wiley & Sons, Chicester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore. 1997, 323-326.
48. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Vladimirov, Yu.A., Arnold, K., Sergienko, V.I.:
Hypochlorous acid-induced peroxidation of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine is mediated by hydroperoxides.
Free Radic. Res. 27 (1997) 1-12.
49. Arnhold, J., Arnold, K., Engländer, T., Kaufmann, J., Knauss, R., Lüsse, S., Schiller, J., Servaty, R., Sonntag, K., Zachäus, A.:
Wasserbindung und Abbauprozesse des Gelenkknorpels. Von den molekularen und
zellulären Eigenschaften zur biomechanischen Funktion.
Sitzungsberichte der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig,
Herausgeber: K. Arnold, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1997, S. 1-94.
50. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Sergienko, V.I.:
Effect of sodium chlorite, chlorate, and perchlorate on the hypochlorite-induced
peroxidation of phospholipid liposomes (russ.).
Biol. Membr. 14 (1997) 207-211.
Membr. Cell Biol. 11 (1997) 253-258.
51. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Zachäus, A., Arnold, K.:
Reaction of hypochlorous acid with bovine nasal cartilage – Comparison with pig
articular cartilage.
Z. Naturforsch., 52c (1997) 694-701.
52. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Schiller, J.:
Hypochlorite reacts with an organic hydroperoxide forming free radicals, but not singlet oxygen, and thus initiates lipid peroxidation (russ.)
Biochimija 62 (1997) 1111-1121.
Biochemistry (Moscow) 62 (1997) 951-959.
53. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Vladimirov, Yu.A., Sergienko, V.I.:
Action of pH on peroxidation of phospholipid liposomes induced by hypochlorite (russ.).
Biofizika 43 (1998) 463-469.
54. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Schwinn, J, Sprinz, H., Brede, O., Arnold, K.:
Reactivity of cartilage and selected carbohydrates with hydroxyl radicals. An NMR study to detect degradation products.
Free Radic. Res. 28 (1998) 215-228.
55. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Arnold K.:
Nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometric studies on the action of proteases on pig articular cartilage.
Z. Naturforsch. 53c (1998) 1072-1080.
56. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Schwinn, J, Sprinz, H., Brede, O., Arnold, K.:
Differences in the reactivity of phthalic hydrazide and luminol with hydroxyl radicals. An NMR, UV, and chemiluminescence study.
Free Radic. Res. 30 (1999) 45-57.
57. Arnhold, J, Benard, S., Kilian, U., Reichl, S., Schiller, J., Arnold, K.
Modulation of luminol chemiluminescence of fMet-Leu-Phe-stimulated neutrophils by affecting dephosphorylation and the metabolism of phosphatidic acid.
Luminescence 14 (1999) 129-137.
58. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Benard, S., Müller, M., Reichl, S., Arnold, K.
Lipid analysis by matrix-assisted-laser-desorption and ionization mass spectrometry: a
methodological approach.
Anal. Biochem. 267 (1999) 45-56.
59. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J.:
Linoleic acid hydroperoxide favours hypochlorite- and myeloperoxidase-induced lipid
Free Radic. Res. 30 (1999) 479-487.
60. Arnhold, J., Schiller, J., Schwinn, J., Sprinz, H., Brede, O., Arnold, K.
The interaction of 2,3-dihydro-1,4-phthalazinedione and luminol with hydroxyl radicals.
In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. Perspectives for the 21st Century.
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and
Chemiluminescence, Bologna, September 1998.
John Wiley & Sons, Chicester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, 1999, 41-44.
61. Reichl, S., Benard, S., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.
Factors influencing the Pholasin chemiluminescence.
In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. Perspectives for the 21st Century.
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and
Chemiluminescence, Bologna, September 1998.
John Wiley & Sons, Chicester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, 1999, 243-246.
62. Benard, S., Reichl, S., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Behnke, D., Welzel, P., Arnold, K.
Drug-induced alterations of the respiratory-burst-oxidase as endpoint of signal
transduction in stimulated human neutrophils.
In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. Perspectives for the 21st Century.
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and
Chemiluminescence, Bologna, September 1998.
John Wiley & Sons, Chicester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, 1999, 280-283.
63. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Benard, S., Reichl, S., Arnold, K.
Cartilage degradation by hyaluronate lyase and chondroitin ABC lyase: a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric study.
Carbohydr. Res. 318 (1999) 116-122.
64. Benard, S., Arnhold, J., Lehnert, M., Schiller, J., Arnold, K.
Experiments towards quantification of saturated and polyunsaturated diacylglycerols by matrix-assisted laser desorption and ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS).
Chem. Phys. Lipids 100 (1999) 115-125.
65. Reichl, S., Arnhold, J., Knight, J., Schiller, J., Arnold, K.
Reactions of Pholasin with peroxidases and hypochlorous acid.
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 28 (2000) 1555-1563.
66. Rassoul, F., Kroker, A., Kuntze, T., Arnhold, J., Richter, V.
Lipidperoxidationsprodukte und ox-LDL-Antikörper bei Patienten mit
arteriosklerotischen Erkrankungen.
In: Die Bedeutung von Proteoglykanen, Lipoproteinen und Lipasen für die Atherogenese
(12. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Arterioskleroseforschung, 10. 1998),
Herausgeber: Heinle, H., Schulte, H., Siegel, G.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Arterioskleroseforschung
67. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.
Pathogenese der rheumatoiden Arthritis und Knorpelabbau – Untersuchungen mit in vitro 1H-NMR-Spektroskopie.
Z. Med. Phys. 10 (2000) 25-32.
68. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Glander, H.-J., Arnold, K.
Lipid analysis of human spermatozoa and seminal plasma by MALDI-TOF mass
spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy. Effects of freezing and thawing.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 106 (2000) 145-156.
69. Schiller, J., Benard, S., Reichl, S., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.
Cartilage degradation by stimulated human neutrophils: reactive oxygen species decrease markedly the activity of proteolytic enzymes.
Chem. Biol. 7 (2000) 557-568.
70. Spickett, C.M., Jerlich, A., Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Pitt, A.R., Stelmaszynska, T., Schaur, R.J.
The reactions of hypochlorous acid, the reactive oxgen species produced by
myeloperoxidase, with lipids.
Acta Biochim. Polonica 47 (2000) 889-899.
71. Petković, M., Schiller, J., Müller, M., Benard, S., Reichl, S., Arnold, K., Arnhold, J.
Detection of individual phospholipids in lipid mixtures by matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry: Phosphatidylcholine prevents the detection of further species.
Anal. Biochem. 289 (2001) 202-216.
72. Müller, M., Schiller, J., Petković, M., Oehrl, W., Heinze, R., Wetzker, R., Arnold, K.,
Arnhold, J.
Limits for the detection of (poly)-phosphoinositides by matrix-assisted laser desorption and ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS).
Chem. Phys. Lipids 110 (2001) 96-109.
73. Petković, M., Benard, S., Schiller, J., Reichl, S., Arnhold, J.
The influence of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitors, wortmannin and LY294002, on the respiratory burst response of human neutrophils.
In: „Chemiluminescence at the turn of the millenium – an indispensable tool in modern chemistry, biochemistry and medicine“ (ed. by Albrecht, S., Zimmermann, T., Brandl,
H.), Schweda-Werbedruck GmbH Dresden (2001) 142-147.
74. Reichl, S., Petković, M., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J.
Reactions of Pholasin with peroxidases in the presence of superoxide anion radicals.
In: „Chemiluminescence at the turn of the millenium – an indispensable tool in modern chemistry, biochemistry and medicine“ (ed. by Albrecht, S., Zimmermann, T., Brandl,
H.), Schweda-Werbedruck GmbH Dresden (2001) 152-155.
75. Arnhold, J.
Application of chemiluminescence methods in the investigation of redox regulation in cells.
In: „Chemiluminescence at the turn of the millenium – an indispensable tool in modern chemistry, biochemistry and medicine“ (ed. by Albrecht, S., Zimmermann, T., Brandl, H.), Schweda-Werbedruck GmbH Dresden (2001) 85-94.
76. Mueller, S., Arnhold, J.
Light emission of luminol and its application.
In: „Chemiluminescence at the turn of the millenium – an indispensable tool in modern chemistry, biochemistry and medicine“ (ed. by Albrecht, S., Zimmermann, T., Brandl,
H.), Schweda-Werbedruck GmbH Dresden (2001) 23-28.
77. Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Benard, S., Müller, M., Petković, M., Zschörnig, O., Arnold, K.
MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and 31P NMR spectroscopy in lipid research.
Recent Res. Devel. Lipids 5 (2001) 179-200.
78. Panasenko, O.M., Osipov, A.N., Tschekanov, A.V., Arnhold, J., Sergienko, V.I.
Peroxyl radical is produced upon the interaction of hypochlorite with tert-butyl hydroperoxide (russ).
Biochimija 67 (2002) 1061-1070.
Biochemistry (Moscow) 67 (2002) 880-888.
79. Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Sergienko, V.I.
Impairment of membrane lipids by hypochlorite (russ.).
Biol. Membr. 19 (2002) 403-434.
80. Schiller, J., Zschörnig, O., Petković, M., Müller, M., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.
Lipid analysis of human HDL and LDL by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and 31P NMR
J. Lipid Res. 42 (2001) 1501-1508.
81. Petković, M., Schiller, J., Müller, J., Arnold, K., Arnhold, J.
The signal-to-noise ratio as a measure for the quantification of lysophospholipids by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
Analyst 126 (2001) 1042-1050.
82. Arnhold, J., Osipov, A.N., Spalteholz, H., Panasenko, O.M., Schiller, J.
Effects of hypochlorous acid on unsaturated phosphatidylcholines.
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 31 (2001) 1111-1119.
83. Reichl, S., Vocks, A., Petković, M., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J.
The photoprotein Pholasin as a luminescence substrate for detection of superoxide anion radicals and myeloperoxidase activity in stimulated neutrophils.
Free Radic. Res. 35 (2001) 723-733.
84. Schiller, J., Hammerschmidt, S., Wirtz, H., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.
Lipid analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and 31P NMR spectroscopy.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 112 (2001) 67-79.
85. Arnhold, J., Furtmüller, P.G., Regelsberger, G., Obinger, C.
Redox properties of the couple compound I/native enzyme of myeloperoxidase and eosinophil peroxidase.
Eur. J. Biochem. 268 (2001) 5142-5148.
86. Selloum, L., Reichl, S., Müller, M., Sebihi, L., Arnhold, J.
Effects of flavonols on the generation of superoxide anion radicals by xanthine oxidase and stimulated neutrophils.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 395 (2001) 49-56.
87. Panasenko, O.M., Osipov, A.N., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J.
Interaction of exogenous hypochlorite and hypochlorite produced by the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-chloride systems with unsaturated phosphatidylcholines (russ.)
Biochimija 67 (2002) 1071-1084.
Biochemistry (Moscow) 67 (2002) 889-900.
88. Mütze, S., Arnhold, J., Stremmler, S., Mueller, S.
Sensitive detection of hydrogen peroxide in biological systems: a non-enzymatic approach.
In: Recent Research Developments in Analytical Biochemistry 2 (2002) 165-184.
ed. by Pandalai, S. G., Transworld Research Network, ISBN: 81-7895-054-5
89. Zschörnig, O., Schiller, J., Petković, M., Müller, M., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.
HDL and LDL lipid analysis by MALDI-TOF MS and 31P NMR.
In: Lipidproteinmetabolismus und Atheroskleroseprävention. Herausgeber: Richter, V.,
Rassoul, F., Reuter, W., Thiery, J., Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, 2002, 123-132.
90. Schiller, J., Süß, R., Petković, M., Müller, M., Zschörnig, O., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.
CsCl as an auxiliary reagent for the analysis of phospholipid mixtures by matrix-assisted laser desorption and ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS).
Chem. Phys. Lipids 113 (2001) 123-131.
91. Osipov, A.N., Panasenko, O.M., Chekanov, A.V., Arnhold, J.
Interaction of tert-butyl hydroperoxide with hypochlorous acid. A spin trapping and
chemiluminescence study.
Free Radic. Res. 36 (2002) 749-754.
92. Müller, J., Petković, M., Schiller, J., Arnold, K., Reichl, S., Arnhold, J.
Effects of lysophospholipids on the generation of reactive oxygen species by fMLP- and PMA-stimulated human neutrophils.
Luminescence 17 (2002) 141-149.
93. Hilbert, N., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.
Cartilage degradation by stimulated neutrophils. Elastase is the enzyme most responsible for cartilage breakdown.
Bioorg. Chem. 30 (2002) 119-132.
94. Petković, M., Schiller, J., Müller, J., Arnold, K., Arnhold, J.
Investigation of the lysophospholipid composition of human neutrophils upon different stimulation conditions by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 67 (2002) 149-163.
95. Müller, J., Petković, M., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J.
Pancreatic phospholipase A2-mediated enhancement of the respiratory burst response of human neutrophils.
Z. Naturforsch. 56c (2001) 1150-1156.
96. Arnhold, J., Osipov, A.N., Spalteholz, H., Panasenko, O. M., Schiller, J.
Formation of lyso-phospholipids from unsaturated phosphatidylcholines under the influence of hypochlorous acid.
Biophys. Biochim. Acta 1572 (2002) 91-100.
97. Gütschow, M., Hauschildt, S., Benard, S., Reichl, S., Witt, U.G., Eger, K., Arnhold, J.
Michael adducts of palmitoylascorbic acid: Effects on the oxidative burst of neutrophils and the production of TNF- in monocytes.
Pharmacology 66 (2002) 162-168.
98. Furtmüller, P.G., Jantschko, W., Regelsberger, G., Jakopitsch, C., Arnhold, J., Obinger, C.
Reaction of lactoperoxidase compound I with halides and thiocyanate.
Biochemistry 41 (2002) 11895-11900.
99. Arnhold J., Reichl, S., Petković, M., Vocks, A.
Pholasin luminescence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
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Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and
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100. Arnhold, J., Geyer, J.
Iron-mediated hydroxylation of phthalic hydrazide.
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Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and
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World Scientific, New Jersey, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, 2002, 133-136.
101. Petković, M., Zschörnig, O., Vocks, A., Müller, M., Schiller, J., Arnold, K., Arnhold, J.
Respiratory burst response of human neutrophils to exogenously added long chain phosphatidic acids.
In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. Progress and Current Applications.
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and
Chemiluminescence, Cambridge, April 2002.
World Scientific, New Jersey, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, 2002, 293-296.
102. Petković, M., Müller, J., Schiller, J., Arnold, K., Arnhold, J.
Lysophosphatidylcholine and phospholipase A2 affect the oxidative activity of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
In: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. Progress and Current Applications.
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and
Chemiluminescence, Cambridge, April 2002.
World Scientific, New Jersey, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, 2002, 289-292.
103. Glander, H.-J., Schiller, J., Süß, R, Paasch, U., Grunewald, S., Arnhold, J.
Deterioration of spermatozoal plasma membrane is associated with an increase of sperm lyso-phosphatidylcholines.
Andrologia 34 (2002) 360-366.
104. Petković, M., Müller, J., Müller, M., Schiller, J., Arnold, K., Arnhold, J.
Application of matrix-assisted laser desorption / ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for monitoring the digestion of phosphatidylcholine by pancreatic phospholipase A2.
Anal. Biochem. 308 (2002) 61-70.
105. Panasenko, O.M., Spalteholz, H., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J.
Myeloperoxidase-induced formation of chlorohydrins and lysophospholipids from unsaturated phosphatidylcholines.
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 34 (2003) 553-562.
106. Chekanov, A.V., Panasenko, O.M., Osipov, A.N., Arnhold, J., Kazarinov, K.D., Vladimirov, Yu.A., Sergienko, V.I.
Interaction of tert-butyl hydroperoxide with hypochlorite induces peroxyl radicals. A chemiluminescence study (russ.)
Biofizika 47 (2002) 787-794.
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107. Vocks, A., Petković, M., Arnhold, J.
Involvement of phosphatidic acid in both degranulation and oxidative activity in fMet-Leu-Phe stimulated polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
Cell. Physiol. Biochem. 13 (2003) 165-172.
108. Schiller, J., Fuchs, B., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.
Contribution of reactive oxygen species to cartilage degradation in rheumatic diseases: Molecular pathways, diagnosis and potential therapeutic strategies.
Curr. Medic. Chem. 10 (2003) 2123-2145.
109. Furtmüller, P.G., Arnhold, J., Jantschko, W., Pichler, H., Obinger, C.
Redox properties of the couples compound I/compound II and compound II/native enzyme of human myeloperoxidase.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 301 (2003) 551-557.
110. Sommerburg, O., Langhans, C.-D., Arnhold, J., Leichsenring, M., Salerno, C., Crifò, C., Hoffmann, G.F., Debatin, K.-M., Siems, W.G.
-Carotene cleavage products after oxidation mediated by hypochlorous acid – a model for neutrophil-derived degradation.
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 35 (2003) 1480-1490.
111. Arnhold, J., Furtmüller, P. G., Obinger, C.
Redox properties of myeloperoxidase.
Redox Rep. 8 (2003) 179-186.
112. Mütze, S., Hebling, U., Stremmel, W., Wang, J., Arnhold, J., Pantopoulos, K., Mueller, S.
Myeloperoxidase-derived hypochlorous acid antagonizes the oxidative stress-mediated activation of iron regulatory protein 1.
J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 40542-40549.
113. Schiller, J., Müller, K., Süß, R., Arnhold, J., Gey, C., Herrmann, A., Leßig, J., Arnold,
K., Müller, P.
Analysis of the lipid composition of bull spermatozoa by MALDI-TOF mass
spectrometry – a cautionary note on routine MALDI-TOF MS.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 126 (2003) 85-94.
114. Koksch, B., Dahl, C., Radics, G., Vocks, A., Arnold, K., Arnhold, J., Sieler, J., Burger, K.
Fluoro-mediated chemotactic peptides: fMLF analogues.
J. Peptide Sci. 10 (2004) 67-81.
115. Panasenko, O.M., Spalteholz, H., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J.
Myeloperoxidase mediated destuction of unsaturated phosphatidylcholines in liposomes (russ.).
Biol. Membr. 21 (2004) 117-129.
116. Spalteholz, H., Wenske, K., Panasenko, O. M., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J.
Evaluation of products upon the reaction of hypohalous acid with unsaturated
Chem. Phys. Lipids 129 (2004) 85-96.
117. Arnhold, J.
Properties, function and secretion of human myeloperoxidase.
Biochemistry (Mosc.) 69 (2004) 4-9.
118. Yurkova, I., Shadyro, O., Kisel, M., Brede, O., Arnhold, J.
Radiation-induced free-radical transformation of phospholipids: MALDI-TOF MS study.
Chem. Phys. Lipids, 132 (2004) 235-246.
119. Shadyro, O., Yurkova, I., Kisel, M., Brede, O., Arnhold, J.
Radiation-induced fragmentation of cardiolipin in a model membrane.
Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 80 (2004) 239-245.
120. Shadyro, O., Yurkova, I., Kisel, M., Brede, O., Arnhold, J.
Formation of phosphatidic acid, ceramide and diglyceride on radiolysis of lipids: identification by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 36 (2004) 1612-1624.
121. Leßig, J., Gey, C., Süß, R., Schiller, J., Glander, H.-J., Arnhold, J.
Analysis of the lipid composition of human and boar spermatozoa by MALDI-TOF
mass spectrometry, thin layer chromatography and 31P NMR spectroscopy.
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem. Mol. Biol. 137 (2004) 265-277.
122. Selloum, L., Djelili, H., Sebihi, L., Arnhold, J.
Scavenger effect of flavonols on HOCl-induced luminol chemiluminescence.
Luminescence 19 (2004) 199-204.
123. Müller, M., Schiller, J., Petković, M., Zschörnig, O., Arnhold, J., Arnold, K.
Analysis of enzymatically-generated phosphoinositides by 31P NMR spectroscopy.
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124. Furtmüller, P.G., Jantschko, W., Zederbauer, M., Jakopitsch, C., Arnhold, J., Obinger, C.
Kinetics of interconversion of redox intermediates of lactoperoxidase, eosinophil peroxidase and myeloperoxidase.
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125. Schiller, J., Süß, R., Arnhold, J., Fuchs, B., Leßig, J., Müller, M., Petković, Spalteholz, H., Zschörnig, O., Arnold, K.
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry in lipid and phospholipid research.
Progr. Lipid Res. 43 (2004) 449-488.
126. Petković, M., Vocks, A., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J.
Oxidative activity of human PMNs stimulated by long-chain phosphatidic acids.
Physiol. Res. 54 (2005) 105-113.
127. Petković, M., Müller, J., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J.
Application of matrix-assisted laser desorption & ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the charaterization of the substrate specificity of neutrophil phospholipase A2.
Microchem. J. 80 (2005) 31-37.
128. Yurkova, I., Kisel, M., Arnhold, J., Shadyro, O.
Free-radical fragmentation of galactocerebrosides: a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry study.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 134 (2005) 41-49.
129. Kochel, B., Vocks, A., Arnhold, J.
Chemiluminescence picture of diphenyleneiodonium-inhibited NADPH oxidase: a bimodal process and its logistic-exponential model-based description.
Luminescence 22 (2007) 275-293.
130. Panasenko, O.M., Chekanov, A.V., Arnhold, J., Sergienko, V.I., Osipov, A.N.,
Vladimirov, Yu.A.
Generation of free radicals by decomposition of hydroperoxide in the presence of myeloperoxidase or stimulated neutrophils (russ.).
Biokhimiya 70 (2005) 1209-1217.
Biochemistry (Moscow) 70 (2005) 998-1004.
131. Petković, M., Vocks, A., Müller, M., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J.
Comparison of different procedures for the lipid extraction from HL-60 cells: a MALDI-TOF mass scpectrometric study.
Z. Naturforsch., 60 (2005) 143-151.
132. Spalteholz, H., Wenske, K., Arnhold, J.
Interaction of hypohalous acids and heme peroxidases with unsaturated phosphatidylcholines.
Biofactors 24 (2005) 67-76.
133. Yurkova, I., Kisel, M., Arnhold, J., Shadyro, O.
Iron-mediated free-radical formation of signaling lipids in a model system.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 137 (2005) 29-37.
134. Furtmüller, P.G., Arnhold, J., Jantschko, W., Zederbauer, M., Jakopitsch, C., Obinger, C.
Standard reduction potentials of all couples of the peroxidase cycle of lactoperoxidase.
J. Inorg. Biochem. 99 (2005) 1220-1229.
135. Jantschko, W., Furtmüller, P.G., Zederbauer, M., Neugschwandtner, K., Lehner, I., Jakopitsch, C., Arnhold, J., Obinger, C.
Exploitation of the unusaul thermodynamic properties of human myeloperoxidase in inhibitory design.
Biochem. Pharmacol. 69 (2005) 1149-1157.
136. Leßig, J., Gey, C., Schiller, J., Süß, R., Paasch, U., Grunewald, S., Glander, H.-J., Arnhold, J.
Hypochlorous acid-induced stress on human spermatozoa. A model for inflammation in the male genital tract.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 135 (2005) 201-211.
137. Spalteholz, H., Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J.
Formation of reactive halide species by myeloperoxidase and eosinophil peroxidase.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 445 (2006) 225-234.
138. Petković, M., Schiller, J., Müller, J., Leßig, J., Fuchs, B., Müller, M., Arnhold, J.
Applications of mass spectrometric methods for investigations of kinetics of phospholipases.
Recent Res. Devel. Lipids 8 (2005) 53-94.
139. Panasenko, O. M., Osipov, A. N., Chekanov, A. V., Arnhold, J., Sergienko, V. I.
Peroxyl radical is produced upon the interaction of hypochlorite with tert-butyl hydroperoxide.
Biochemistry (Mosc.) 67 (2002) 880-888.
140. Yurkova, I. L., Kisel, M. A., Arnhold, J., Shadyro, O.I.
Effects of structure of polar parts of phospholipids on its ability to fragmentation in -irradiation of model membranes (russ.)
Khimiya Vysokikh Energii 40 (2006) 345-348;
High Energy Chemistry 40 (2006) 300-303.
141. Leßig, J., Glander, H.-J., Schiller, J., Petković, M., Paasch, U., Arnhold, J.
Destabilisation of the acrosome results in release of phospholipase A2 from human spermatozoa and subsequent formation of lysophospholipids.
Andrologia, 38 (2006) 69-75.
142. Salavej, H., Spalteholz, H., Arnhold, J.
Modification of amino acid residues in human serum albumin by myeloperoxidase.
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 40 (2006) 515-525.
143. Panasenko, O. M., Spalteholz, H., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J.
Leukocytic myeloperoxidase-mediated formation of bromohydrins and lysophospholipids from unsaturated phosphatidylcholines.
Biokhimiya 71 (2006) 707-718;
Biochemistry (Moscow) 71 (2006) 571-580.
144. Soltes, L., Mendichi, R., Kogan, G., Schiller, J., Stankovska, M., Arnhold, J.
Degradative action of reactive oxygen species on hyaluronan.
Biomacromolecules 7 (2006) 659-668.
145. Yurkova, I., Kisel, M., Arnhold, J., Shadyro, O.
Dopamine and iron mediated fragmentation of galactocerebrosides and cardiolipin in micelles.
Central Eur. J. Chem. 5 (2007) 970-980.
146. Vlasova, I.I., Arnhold, J., Osipov, A.N., Panasenko, O.M.
pH-Dependent regulation of activity of myeloperoxidase.
Biokhimiya 71 (2006) 825-837;
Biochemistry (Mosc.) 71 (2006) 667-677.
147. Malle, E., Marsche, G., Arnhold, J., Davies, M.J.
Modification of low-density lipoprotein by myeloperoxidase-derived oxidants and reagent hypochlorous acid.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1761 (2006) 392-415.
148. Arnhold, J., Monzani, E., Furtmüller, P.G., Zederbauer, M., Casella, L., Obinger, C.
Kinetics and thermodynamics of halide and nitrite oxidation by mammalian heme peroxidases.
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2006, 3801-3811.
149. Soltes, L., Stankovska, M., Brezova, V., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Kogan, G., Gemeiner, P.
Hyaluronan degradation by copper(II) chloride and ascorbate: rotational viscometric, EPR spin trapping, and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric investigations.
Carbohydr. Res. 341 (2006) 2826-2834.
150. Flemmig, J., Arnhold, J.
Ferrous ion-induced strand breaks in the DNA plasmid pBR322 are not mediated by hydrogen peroxide.
Eur. J. Biophys. 36 (2007) 377-384.
151. Leßig, J., Spalteholz, H., Reibetanz, U., Salavei, P., Fischlechner, M., Glander, H.-J., Arnhold, J.
Myeloperoxidase binds to non-vital spermatozoa on phosphatidylserine epitopes.
Apoptosis 12 (2007) 1803-1812.
152. Bouriche, H., Salavei, P., Lessig, J., Arnhold, J
Differential effects of flavonols on inactivation of 1-antitrypsin induced by hypohalous acid and the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-halide system.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 459 (2007) 137-142.
153. Stankovska, M., Arnhold, J., Rychly, J., Spalteholz, H., Gemeiner, P., Soltes, L.
In vitro screening of the action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on hypochlorous acid-induced hyaluronan degradation.
Polymer Degradation Stability 92 (2007) 644-652.
154. Soltes, L., Valachova, K., Mendichi, R. Kogan, G., Arnhold, J., Gemeiner, P.
Solution properties of high-molar-mass hyaluronans: the biopolymer degradation by ascorbate.
Carbohydr. Res. 342 (2007) 1071-1077.
155. Leßig, J., Schiller, J., Arnhold, J., Fuchs, B.
Hypochlorous acid-mediated generation of glycerophosphocholine from unsaturated plasmalogen glycerophophocholine lipids.
J. Lipid Res. 48 (2007) 1316-1324.
156. Panasenko, O.M., Vakhrusheva, T., Tretyakov, V., Spalteholz, H., Arnhold, J.
Influence of chloride on modification of unsaturated phosphatidylcholines by the myeloperoxidase/hydrogen peroxide/bromide system.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 149 (2007) 40-51.
157. Jakopitsch, C., Spalteholz, H., Furtmüller, P.G., Arnhold, J., Obinger, C.
Mechanism of reaction of horseradish peroxidase with chlorite and chlorine dioxide.
J. Inorg. Biochem. 102 (2008) 293-302.
158. Flemmig, J., Leßig, J., Reibetanz, U., Dautel, P., Arnhold, J.
Non-vital polymorphonuclear leukocytes express myeloperoxidase on their surface.
Cell. Physiol. Biochem. 21 (2008) 287-296.
159. Yurkova, I., Arnhold, J.
Formation of ceramide by -irradiation of galactocerebroside as a constituent in micelles.
High Energy Chem. 42 (2008) 261-265.
160. Saalbach, A., Arnhold, J., Leßig, J., Simon, J. C., Anderegg U.
Human Thy-1 induces secretion of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and CXCL8 from human neutrophils.
Eur. J. Immunol. 38 (2008) 1391-1403.
161. Spalteholz, H., Furtmüller, P.G., Jakopitsch, C., Obinger, C., Schewe, T., Sies, H., Arnhold, J.
Kinetic evidence for rapid oxidation of (–)-epicatechin by human myeloperoxidase.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 371 (2008) 810-813.
162. Yurkova, I., Stuckart, F., Kisel, M.A., Shadyro, O.I., Arnhold. J., Huster, D.
Formation of phosphatidic acid in stressed mitochondria.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 480 (2008) 17-26.
163. Leßig, J., Reibetanz, U., Arnhold, J., Glander, H.-J.
Destabilization of acrosome and elastase influence mediate the release of secretory phospholipase A2 from human spermatozoa.
Asian J. Androl. 10 (2008) 829-836.
164. Leßig, J., Reibetanz, U., Salavei, P., Glander, H.-J., Arnhold, J.
Influence of mediators of inflammation on sperm signalling.
In: Biology of male germ cells. Shaker Verlag Aachen, Germany.
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165. Yurkova, I., Huster, D., Arnhold, J.
Free radical fragmentation of cardiolipin by cytochrome c.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 158 (2009) 16-21.
166. Yurkova, I.L., Arnhold, J.
Radiation-induced free-radical fragmentation of ceramides in a model system.
High Energy Chem. 43 (2009) 269-273.
167. M. Petković, Schiller, J., Müller, M., Süß, R., Arnold, K., Arnhold, J.
Detection of adducts with matrix clusters in the positive and negative ion mode MALDI-TOF mass spectra of phospholipids.
Z. Naturforsch. 64b (2009) 331-334.
168. Flemmig, J., Spalteholz, H., Schubert, K., Meier, S., Arnhold, J.
Modification of phosphatidylserine by hypochlorous acid.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 161 (2009) 44-50.
169. Leßig, J., Arnhold, J., Glander, H.-J.
1-Antitrypsin prevents the detrimentental effects of polymorphonuclear leukocyte-elastase on spermatozoa quality.
Int. J. Androl. 33 (2010) 64-72.
170. Kirchner, T., Flemmig, J., Furtmüller, P.G., Obinger, C., Arnhold, J.
(–)-Epicatechin enhances the chlorinating activity of human myeloperoxidase.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 495 (2010) 21-27.
171. Flemmig, J., Arnhold, J.
Interaction of hypochlorous acid and myeloperoxidase with phosphatidylserine in the presence of ammonium ions.
J. Inorg. Biochem. 104 (2010) 759-764.
172. Bouriche, H., Arnhold, J.
Effect of Cleome arabica leaf extract treated by naringinase on human neutrophil chemotaxis.
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173. Arnhold, J., Flemmig, J.
Human myeloperoxidase in innate and acquired immunity.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 500 (2010) 92-106.
174. Leßig, J., Neu, B., Glander, H.-J., Arnhold, J., Reibetanz, U.
Phagocytotic competence of differentiated U937 cells for colloidal drug delivery systems in immune cells
Inflammation 34 (2011) 99-110.
175. Bouriche, H., Meziti, H., Senator, A., Arnhold, J.
Anti-inflammatory, free-radical scavenging and metal-chelating activities of Malva parviflora.
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176. Flemmig, J., Kuchta, K., Arnhold, J. Rauwald, H.W.
Olea europaea leaf (Ph.Eur.) extract as well as several of its isolated phenolics inhibit the gout-related enzyme xanthine oxidase.
Phytomedicine 18 (2011) 561-566.
177. Yurkova, I.L., Arnhold, J., Fitzl, G., Huster, D.
Fragmentation of mitochondrial cardiolipin by copper ions in the ATP7b-/- mouse model of Wilson’s disease.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 164 (2011) 393-400.
178. Kamčeva, T., Flemmig, J., Damnjanović, B., Arnhold, J., Mijatović, A., Petković, M.
Interaction of Platinum and Ruthenium Bipyridyl Complexes with Porcine Pancreatic Phospholipase A2.
Metallomics 3 (2011) 1056-1063.
179. Fleddermann, J., Pichert, A., Arnhold, J.
Interaction of serine proteases from polymorphonuclear leukocytes with the cell surface and heparin.
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180. Vlasova, I.I., Sokolov, A.V., Arnhold, J.
The free amino acid tyrosine enhances the chlorinating activity of human myeloperoxidase.
J. Inorg. Biochem. 106 (2012) 76-83.
181. Pichert, A., Schlorke, D., Zschaler, J., Fleddermann, J., Schönberg, M., Flemmig, J., Arnhold, J.
Early events in apoptosis induction in polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
In: Flow Cytometry – Recent Perspectives (ed. I. Schmid), ISBN 978-953-51-0626-5, In Tech d.o.o., Rijeka, Croatia, 2012, 357-372.
182. Schlorke, D., Thomas, L., Samsonov, S., Huster, D., Arnhold, J., Pichert, A.
The influence of glycosaminoglycans on IL-8-mediated functions of neutrophils.
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183. Flemmig, J., Zschaler, J., Remmler, J., Arnhold, J.
The fluorescein-derived dye aminophenyl-fluorescein (APF) is a suitable tool to detect HOBr producing activity in eosinophils.
J. Biol. Chem. 287 (2012) 27913-27923.
184. Pichert, A., Schlorke, D., Franz, S., Arnhold, J.
Functional aspects of the interaction between interleukin-8 and sulfated glycosaminoglycans.
Biomatter 2 (2012) 142-148.
185. Kamčeva, T., Radisavljević, M., Vukićević, I., Arnhold, J. Petković, M.
Interaction of platinum and ruthenium coordination complexes with pancreatic phospholipase A2 and phospholipids investigated by MALDI TOF mass spectrometry.
Chem. Biodivers. 10 (2013) 1972-1986.
186. Gorudko, I.V., Grigorieva, D.V., Shamova, E.V., Kostevich, V.A., Sokolov, A.V., Mikhalchik, E.V., Cherenkevich, S.N., Arnhold, J., Panasenko, O.M.
Hypohalous acid-modified human serum albumin induces neutrophil NADPH-oxidase activation, degranulation and shape change.
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 68 (2014) 326-334.
187. Flemmig, J., Rusch, D., Czerwinska M.E., Rauwald, J.-W., Arnhold, J.
Components of a standardized olive leaf dry extract (Ph. Eur.) promote hypothiocyanite production by lactoperoxidase.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 549 (2014) 17-25.
188. Flemmig, J., Remmler, J., Roehring, F., Arnhold, J.
(-)-Epicatechin regenerates the chlorinating activity of myeloperoxidase in vitro and in neutrophil granulocytes.
J. Inorg. Biochem. 130 (2014) 84-91.
189. Zschaler, J., Schlorke, D., Arnhold, J.
Differences in innate immune response between man and mouse.
Crit. Rev. Immunol. 34 (2014) 433-455.
190. Jakopitsch, C., Pirker, K.F., Flemmig, J., Hofbauer, S., Schlorke, D., Furtmüller, P.G., Arnhold, J., Obinger, C.
Mechanisms of reaction of chlorite with mammalian heme peroxidases.
J. Inorg. Biochem. 135 (2014) 10-19.
191. Zschaler, J., Arnhold, J.
The hydroperoxide moiety of aliphatic lipid hydroperoxides is not affected by hypochlorous acid.
Chem. Phys. Lipids 184 (2014) 42-51.
192. Flemmig, J., Schwarz, P., Bäcker, I., Leichsenring, A., Lange, F., Arnhold, J.
Rapid and reliable determination of the halogenating peroxidase activity in blood samples.
J. Immunol. Meth. 415 (2014) 46-56.
193. Zschaler, J., Dorow, J., Schöpe, L., Ceglarek, U., Arnhold, J.
Impact of myeloperoxidase-derived oxidants on the product profile of human 5-lipoxygenase.
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 85 (2015) 148-156.
194. Fichtner, M., Claus, C., Lessig-Owlanj, J. Arnhold, J., Reibetanz, U.
The application of LbL-microcarriers for the treatment of chronic inflammation: monitoring the impact of LbL-microcarriers on cell viability.
Macromol. Biosci. 15 (2015) 546-557.
195. Flemmig, J., Zschaler, J., Remmler, J., Arnhold J.
Detection of the halogenating activity of haem peroxidases in leukocytes by aminophenyl fluorescein.
Free Radic. Res. 49 (2015) 768-776.
196. C. Koyani, J. Flemmig, E. Malle, J. Arnhold
Myeloperoxidase scavenges peroxynitrite: a novel anti-inflammatory action of the heme enzyme.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 571 (2015) 1-9.
197. Flemmig, J., Noetzel, I., Arnhold, J. Rauwald, H.-W.
Constituents of motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca L.) promote lactoperoxidase activity.
J. Funct. Foods 17 (2015) 328-339.
198. Gau, J., Furtmüller, P.G., Obinger, C., Arnhold, J., Flemmig, J.
Enhancing hypothiocyanite production by lactoperoxidase – mechanism and chemical properties of promoters.
Biochem. Biophys. Rep. 4 (2015) 257-267.
199. Schönberg, M., Schlorke, D., Arnhold, J.
Effects of WF10 on glycosaminoglycan sulphation in pro-inflammatory monocytes and macrophages.
In: Flow Cytometry – Selected Topics (ed. I. Schmid), In Tech d.o.o., Rijeka, Croatia, ISBN (book): 978-953-51-2551-8; Print ISBN: 978-953-51-2550-1; 2016, 101-114.
200. Pichert, A., Arnhold, J.
Interaction of the chlorite-based drug WF10 and chlorite with hemoglobin, methemoglobin and ferryl hemoglobin.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 585 (2015) 82-89.
201. Flemmig, J., Gau, J., Schlorke, D., Arnhold, J.
Lactoperoxidase as a potential drug target.
Exp. Opinion Therap. Targets 20 (2016) 447-461.
202. Schlorke, D., Flemmig, J., Birkemeyer, C., Arnhold, J.
Formation of cyanogen iodide by lactoperoxidase.
J. Inorg. Biochem. 154 (2016) 35-41.
203. Zschaler, J., Arnhold, J.
Impact of simultaneous stimulation of 5-lipoxygenase and myeloperoxidase in human neutrophil granulocytes.
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204. Schlorke, D., Flemmig, J., Gau, J., Furtmüller, P.G., Obinger, C., Arnhold, J.
New insights into thiocyanate oxidation by human myeloperoxidase.
J. Inorg. Biochem. 162 (2016) 117-126.
205. Schlorke, D., Flemmig, J., Birkemeyer, C., Arnhold, J.
Headspace-GC-MS bestätigt: ICN wird durch Lactoperoxidase gebildet.
Shimadzu Newsletter 2016, 1, 6-7.
206. Flemmig J., Schwarz P., Bäcker I., Leichsenring A., Lange F., Arnhold J.
Fast and specific assessment of the halogenating peroxidase activity in leukocyte-enriched blood samples.
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207. Maraprygsavan P., Mongkulsuk J., Arnhold J., Kuehne F.-W.
The chlorite-based drug WF10 constantly reduces hemoglobin A1c values and improves glucose control in diabetes patients with severe foot syndrome.
J. Clin. Translat. Endocrinol. 4 (2016) 53-58.
208. Gau J., Furtmüller P.G., Obinger C., Prévost M., van Antwerpen P., Arnhold J., Flemmig J.
Flavonoids as promoters of the (pseudo-)halogenating activity of lactoperoxidase and myeloperoxidase.
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 97 (2016) 307-319.
209. Vissiennon C., Hammoud D., Rodewald S., Fester K., Goos K.-H., Nieber K., Arnhold J.
Chamomile flower, myrrh and coffee charcoal, components of a traditional herbal medicinal product, diminish pro-inflammatory activity in human macrophages.
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210. Schlorke, D., Atosuo J., Flemmig, J., Lilius, E.-M., Arnhold, J.
Impact of cyanogen iodide in killing of Escherichia coli by the lactoperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-(pseudo)halide system.
Free Radic. Res. 50 (2016) 1287-1295.
211. Flemmig, J., Schlorke, D., Kuehne, F.-W., Arnhold, J.
Inhibition of the heme-induced hemolysis of red blood cells by the chlorite-based drug WF10.
Free Radic. Res. 50 (2016) 1396-1407.
212. Gau, J., Prévost M., van Antwerpen P., Sarosi, M.-B., Rodewald, S., Arnhold J., Flemmig J.
Tannins and tannin-related derivatives enhance the (pseudo-)halogenating activity of lactoperoxidase.
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213. Vissiennon, C., Hammoud, D., Goos, K.-H., Nieber, K., Arnhold, J.
Synergistic interactions of chamomile flower, myrrh and coffee charcoal in inhibiting pro-inflammatory chemokine release from activated human macrophages.
Synergy 4 (2017) 13-18.
214. Vissiennon, C., Goos, K.-H., Arnhold, J., Nieber, K.
Mechanisms of spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory effects of a herbal medicinal product consisting of myrrh, chamomile flower and coffee charcoal.
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215. Kuznetsova, T., Kulahava, T., Zholnerevich, I., Amaegberi, N., Semenkova, G., Shadyro, O., Arnhold, J.
Morphometric characteristics of neutrophils stimulated by adhesion and hypochlorite.
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216. Gau, J., Arnhold, J., Flemmig, J.
Reactivation of peroxidase activity in human saliva samples by polyphenols.
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217. Sokolov, A.V., Kostevich, V.A., Varfolomeeva, E. Y., Grigorieva, D.V., Gordudko, I., Kozlov, S.O., Kudryavtsev, I.V., Mikhalchik, E.V., Filatov, M.V., Cherenkevich, S.N., Panasenko, O.M., Arnhold, J., Vasilyev, V.
Capacity of ceroloplasmin to inhibit the respiratory burst of neutrophils is not altered by products of reactions catalyzed by myeloperoxidase.
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218. Chiziane, E., Telemann, H., Krueger, M., Adler, J., Arnhold, J., Alia, A., Flemmig, J.
Free heme and amyloid β: A fatal Liaison at Alzheimer’s Disease.
J. Alzheimer’s Dis. 61 (2018) 963-984.
219. Barayeu, U., Lange, M., Mendez, L., Arnhold, J., Shadyro, O. Fedorova, M., Flemmig, J.
Cytochrome c auto-catalyzed carbonylation in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and cardiolipins.
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220. Arnhold, J.
Cell and tissue destruction. Mechanisms, Protection, Disorders.
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221. Arnhold, J.
The dual role of myeloperoxidase in immune response.
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222. Arnhold, J.
Heme peroxidases at unperturbed and inflamed mucous surfaces.
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223. Arnhold, J., Malle, E.
Halogenation activity of mammalian heme peroxidases.
Antioxidants 11 (2022) 890, 1-29. doi: 10.3390/antiox11050890.
224. Arnhold, J.
Host-derived cytotoxic agents in chronic inflammation and disease progression.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24 (2023), article 3016, 1-32. doi: 10.3390/ijms24033016.
225. Arnhold, J., Malle, E.
Inter(pseudo)halogens with relvance to peroxidase-mediated reactions.
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226. Arnhold J.
Inflammation-associated cytotoxic agents in tumorigenesis.
Cancers 16 (2024) 81. doi: 10.3390/cancers16010081.
227. Kast, R.E., Kast, A.P., Arnhold, J., Capanni, F., Sanabria, L.N. Milla, Bader, N., Vieira, B.Marques, Alfieri, A., Karpel-Massler, G., da Silva, E.Barros Noninvasive Ultra Low Intensity Light Photodynamic Treatment of Glioblastoma with Drug Augmentation: LoGlo PDT Regimen. Brain Sciences 14(12) (2024) 1164. [DOI; PubMed]